

Extraits du catalogue

Efit - 2

ALEGREDESIGN Marcelo Alegre www.alegredesign.es “Efit has been designed with new working methods and new business environments in mind. We have created a range of starter products which retain all of the benefits and features of more advanced products thanks to the design of their parts and the new materials used”. “La conception d’Efit s’inspire des nouvelles méthodes de travail en place dans les environnements d’entreprise actuels. Nous avons créé un produit de début de gamme doté de toutes les qualités et des prestations des produits les plus élaborés, grâce à la conception des pièces et...

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Efit - 3

Actiu launched Efit after reflecting on the younger generations and their dynamic, flexible and creative working styles. The Efit chair has a youthful and free-spirited aesthetic which brings together comfort and ergonomic design. This chair has been designed with a focus on people and on making them feel comfortable and centred while still giving them freedom to move around. Pensando en las nuevas generaciones y en sus formas de trabajo dinámicas, flexibles y creativas, Actiu lanza Efit, una silla con una estética joven y desenfadada que cuida la ergonomía y la comodidad. Una silla...

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Efit - 4

EVOLUTION AT WORK FOR A HEALTHY AND PRODUCTIVE LIFE Efit has a flexible, breathable backrest, manufactured from polypropylene and glass fibres which respond to shoulder movements through a dynamic back support system which takes the weight off the upper area of the neck and back. The chair has two backrest heights and a groove in the lumbar area which provides the user with greater comfort. Efit cuenta con un respaldo flexible y transpirable, fabricado en polipropileno y fibra de vidrio, que responde a los movimientos de la espalda mediante un sistema lumbar dinámico, que descarga la parte...

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Efit - 5

The Efit chair is the result of the collaborative work between Alegre Design’s with more than 15 years of experience in designing chairs and Actiu’s productive capacity. It is one of the most comfortable chairs made by the company. The composition of the foam, the air comfort system and the thickness of the seat are some of the most notable ergonomic qualities of this chair. El asiento de Efit se nutre de la experiencia de más de 15 años en el desarrollo de sillería de Alegre Design y de la capacidad productiva de Actiu, y es uno de los más confortables de la firma. La conformación de la...

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Efit - 6

Weight tension - 4 positions Regulador de tensión - 4 pos. 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 kg

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Efit - 7

Efit offers a wide range of customisation options using monochrome designs (black or white), an optional upholstered back pad -an alternative which increases comfort- and a wide range of frames and seat upholstery options. Efit ofrece una amplia gama de posibilidades de customización, empleando sus diseños monocromáticos (blanco o negro), el tapizado integral de su respaldo -una alternativa que aumenta el confort- y un extensa gama de combinaciones para el asiento. Efit propose une large gamme de possibilités de personnalisation grâce à des modèles monochromatiques (blanc ou noir), le...

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Efit - 8

EVOLUTION AT WORK FOR A HEALTHY AND PRODUCTIVE LIFE The Efit chair has been conceived, designed and manufactured to cater to a free-spirited, spontaneous and connected generation of people that do things their own way and that fit easily into all types of workspaces, whether these are a traditional office, a ‘coworking’ area or a ‘home office’. Efit es una silla pensada, diseñada y fabricada para dar respuesta a una generación conectada, libre y espontánea que sabrá hacerla suya y que encaja en todo tipo de espacios de trabajo, ya sea un en oficina tradicional, un área de ‘coworking’ o un...

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Efit - 9

Efit is available in different chair and stool models. Stools provide a comfortable and ergonomic solution for high-level meetings, with the same design and innovation qualities shared by the seats and backrests of the entire line. Efit está disponible tanto en diversos modelos de silla como en banqueta, que aporta una solución ergonómica y confortable para reuniones en altura y que mantiene las cualidades de diseño e innovación en cuanto a respaldo y asiento de toda la línea. Efit est disponible en plusieurs modèles de siège, mais également en banquette, car celle-ci offre une solution...

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Efit - 10

ACTIU TECHNOLOGY PARK DESIGN & ARCHITECTURE Space management and design Products. Own patents Communication SUSTAINABILITY Sustainable production Product. Eco-design Services, efficient logistics system Actiu Technology Park, certified LEED® Platinum MANUFACTURER We are manufacturers Domain raw materials and processes Technology and Innovation Standardized and specific solutions GLOBAL COVERAGE Presence in more than 90 countries Global equipment solutions. Corporate, Health, Education, Contract, Transport. ACTIU: 50 YEARS DESIGNING PUBLIC SPACES AND WORKSPACES. Actiu is an industrial...

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Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) Actiu

  1. Arkitek

    27 Pages

  2. Urban

    23 Pages

  3. TNK A500

    39 Pages

  4. STAY

    15 Pages


    31 Pages

  6. Vital Plus

    33 Pages

  7. Cron

    15 Pages

  8. Longo

    26 Pages

  9. Talent

    11 Pages

  10. Power

    11 Pages

  11. Trim

    11 Pages

  12. Wing

    14 Pages

  13. Whass

    19 Pages

  14. Noom

    27 Pages


    18 Pages

  16. PLEK

    18 Pages

  17. Passport

    14 Pages


    18 Pages

  19. Avant

    12 Pages

  20. LINK

    23 Pages

  21. Badminton

    15 Pages

  22. Prisma

    8 Pages

Catalogues archivés

  1. UKA

    15 Pages

  2. Winner

    10 Pages

  3. ON TIME

    10 Pages

  4. TNKID

    6 Pages

  5. IKARA

    12 Pages

  6. UMA

    14 Pages

  7. TNK

    18 Pages

  8. TRAMA

    26 Pages

  9. MIT

    18 Pages

  10. VIVA

    12 Pages

  11. IDONIA

    14 Pages

  12. SPACIO

    12 Pages

  13. KADOS

    12 Pages

  14. COOL

    30 Pages

  15. VITAL

    26 Pages

  16. Sièges

    50 Pages

  17. Solutions

    162 Pages

  18. block

    10 Pages

  19. split

    10 Pages

  20. Colectiva

    10 Pages

  21. Cubic

    6 Pages

  22. Class

    26 Pages

  23. SHAPE

    15 Pages

  24. Ergos

    6 Pages

  25. Arco

    10 Pages

  26. Central

    14 Pages

  27. Cool R200

    30 Pages

  28. Cool E100

    30 Pages

  29. Optima

    10 Pages

  30. Ofimat

    16 Pages

  31. Cool C400 C500

    30 Pages

  32. level

    26 Pages

  33. catalogue_2014

    57 Pages

  34. ACTIU

    50 Pages