

Extraits du catalogue

Power - 2

ITEM DESIGNWORKS www.itemdesignworks.com Comfort and technology for healthier work Power, designed by Javier Cuñado from ITEM Designworks, is an office table system that combines design and technology to create versatile and elevating operating positions that promote mobility in the workplace. Made with high-quality materials, its structure conceals great solidity while giving the product a light and functional aesthetic. The central column that supports the table improves the flow of movement around it, creating more dynamic and active spaces. Confort y tecnología para un trabajo más...

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Power - 3

Power - defined by a single central column - is available in two series: Serie 100, with 4 star base and sliding top in individual and double desks, offers the most functional models of the range, while Serie 300, with a square pedestal base and larger surfaces, is suitable for more collaborative and managerial environments. Power -definida por una sola columna central- está disponible en dos series: La Serie 100, con base de 4 apoyos en cruz y desplazamiento horizontal del tablero en mesas individuales y dobles, ofrece los modelos más operativos del programa, mientras que la serie 300, con...

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Power - 4

Operative desks, which can be fixed or height adjustable by means of electric motors, are highly robust and have a high-quality finish and can be complemented with melamine cabinets with doors or drawers and die-cast aluminium legs. Las mesas operativas, de altura fija o regulable en altura mediante un sistema de motorización eléctrica, presentan gran robustez y una gran calidad en los acabados, pudiéndose complementar con armarios de melamina con puertas o cajones y patas de aluminio inyectado. La collection POWER offre de nombreuses possibilités techniques : hauteur standard ou réglable...

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Power - 5

TWIN WORKSTATIONS Power allows you to set up twin workstations to facilitate communication. They are provided with cable management in both, tables and auxiliary cabinets, facilitating the use of any type of electronic device. Power permite configurar puestos de trabajo dobles que favorecen la comunicación y cuentan con accesos para la canalización del cableado, tanto en mesas como en armarios complementarios, favoreciendo el uso de cualquier tipo de dispositivo electrónico. Power favorise la communication en proposant des solutions de benchs avec différentes options d’accès aux...

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Power - 6

Gen operative system allows the combination of different desks with independent height adjustable systems to create spacious workspaces in dynamic operative environments. Optional acoustic screens are available. The central structure is made of three columns with 4 star bases and integrated non-slip footrests that also improve the stability of the set. Le système opérationnel GEN permet de dynamiser les espaces de travail en associant des postes tout en laissant à l’utilisateur la possibilité de le régler indépendamment des autres. Il dispose d’écrans de séparation acoustiques en option. La...

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Power - 7

Power system efficiently solves the needs of today’s workspaces: individual and multiple workstations, desks with integrated storage, media’s room or executive and meeting tables. Available in a wide range of shapes and heights. El sistema Power resuelve de forma eficiente las necesidades de uso para dar respuesta a los requerimientos que los espacios de trabajo actuales precisan: puestos operativos individuales y múltiples, sistemas de almacenaje con mesas integradas, soporte para videoconferencias o mesas directivas y de reuniones. Disponibles en formas y alturas diferenciadas. La...

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Power - 8

LARGE CONFERENCE TABLES Power stands out due to its large sizes in both managerial and meeting desks. In addition, Power also offers 140x140 cm, 160x160 cm and up to 200x120 cm desks that can be fixed or height adjustable, in a wide range of finishes. Its recessed structure provides a better functionality. The die-cast aluminium central cable access is easily accessible from any angle around the table. Power destaca en su gran formato, ya que presenta modelos para espacios directivos y de reunión con mesas fijas de grandes dimensiones. Además de estos modelos, las mesas de 140x140cm,...

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Power - 9

MEDIA TABLES AVAILABLE IN h74 cm and h100 cm Media tables integrate naturally new technologies with furniture. Table is made of hardwood materials, with large dimensions and a trapezoidal shape. Its design allows all users to be connected; the present and the online ones. This version of Power incorporates a panel to hold the TV screen with central cable management that facilitates the connection of all devices. The table has an extruded aluminium profile and the surfaces are available with non-fingerprint treatment in: chestnut, lime oak, black and white MFC. Les tables de visioconférence...

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Power - 10

TECHNOLOGY PARK ACTIU TECHNOLOGY PARK Architecture linked to the local industry. A philosophy turned into architecture. Architect: José María Tomás Llavador. DESIGN & ARCHITECTURE Space management and design Products. Own patents Communication SUSTAINABILITY Sustainable production Product. Eco-design Services, efficient logistics system Actiu Technology Park, certified LEED® Platinum CERTIFICATES AND REFERENCES ACTIU products fulfill all demands about management, quality and sustainability to provide extra value to the projects using recycled materials to get the recyclable final product....

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Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) Actiu

  1. Arkitek

    27 Pages

  2. Urban

    23 Pages

  3. TNK A500

    39 Pages

  4. STAY

    15 Pages


    31 Pages

  6. Vital Plus

    33 Pages

  7. Efit

    11 Pages

  8. Cron

    15 Pages

  9. Longo

    26 Pages

  10. Talent

    11 Pages

  11. Trim

    11 Pages

  12. Wing

    14 Pages

  13. Whass

    19 Pages

  14. Noom

    27 Pages


    18 Pages

  16. PLEK

    18 Pages

  17. Passport

    14 Pages


    18 Pages

  19. Avant

    12 Pages

  20. LINK

    23 Pages

  21. Badminton

    15 Pages

  22. Prisma

    8 Pages

Catalogues archivés

  1. UKA

    15 Pages

  2. Winner

    10 Pages

  3. ON TIME

    10 Pages

  4. TNKID

    6 Pages

  5. IKARA

    12 Pages

  6. UMA

    14 Pages

  7. TNK

    18 Pages

  8. TRAMA

    26 Pages

  9. MIT

    18 Pages

  10. VIVA

    12 Pages

  11. IDONIA

    14 Pages

  12. SPACIO

    12 Pages

  13. KADOS

    12 Pages

  14. COOL

    30 Pages

  15. VITAL

    26 Pages

  16. Sièges

    50 Pages

  17. Solutions

    162 Pages

  18. block

    10 Pages

  19. split

    10 Pages

  20. Colectiva

    10 Pages

  21. Cubic

    6 Pages

  22. Class

    26 Pages

  23. SHAPE

    15 Pages

  24. Ergos

    6 Pages

  25. Arco

    10 Pages

  26. Central

    14 Pages

  27. Cool R200

    30 Pages

  28. Cool E100

    30 Pages

  29. Optima

    10 Pages

  30. Ofimat

    16 Pages

  31. Cool C400 C500

    30 Pages

  32. level

    26 Pages

  33. catalogue_2014

    57 Pages

  34. ACTIU

    50 Pages