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ALEGRE DESIGN The office chair is a work tool used constantly and continuously that directly influences our efficiency and creativity, hence the importance of adapting perfectly to the needs and tasks of its users. “It is a tool that affects well-being and health, contributing to the productivity of each employee”, explains Marcelo Alegre. La silla de oficina es una herramienta de trabajo de uso constante y continuado que influye directamente en nuestra eficiencia y creatividad, de ahí la importancia de que se adapte perfectamente a las necesidades y tareas de sus...

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TRIM. Designed by AlegreDesign SERIE 50 TRIM IS VERSATILE, ERGONOMIC AND FLEXIBLE. A TOOL TO MAKE YOU FEEL GOOD AND BE MORE PRODUCTIVE. The TRIM range offers different models to adapt to the needs of each user under two premises: health and comfort. The serie 50 offers an enveloping design capable of fitting into any type of environment, as it offers multiple customisation options. La familia TRIM presenta diferentes modelos para ajustarse a las necesidades de cada usuario bajo dos premisas: salud y confort. La serie 50 ofrece un diseño envolvente capaz de encajar en cualquier tipo de...

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TRIM. Designed by AlegreDesign The chairs are a work tool and we must be clear about their use. TRIM is a valid operative solution for continuous use as it offers technical and functional features, provides comfort and uses materials that facilitate an ideal posture. These features include advanced synchronisation, tension regulators, ergonomic curves and back and lumbar regulation. Les sièges constituent des outils de travail, et leur utilisation doit être bien définie. TRIM est une solution opérationnelle apte à un usage en continu, car elle propose des prestations techniques,...

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TRIM. Designed by AlegreDesign SERIE 30 PERSONALISE COMFORT. Under the chair, TRIM incorporates a sensitive adjustment device that enables regulating the tension, in addition to air chambers that distribute the pressure better. The backrest has four defined positions, the result of the constant evolution of the ergonomic design, and its height can be adjusted through a very simple system. A button is pressed and, intuitively, the backrest is accompanied by hand to the desired position. Personalizar el confort. Bajo el asiento, TRIM incorpora un dispositivo de ajuste sensible que permite...

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TRIM. Designed by AlegreDesign The serie 30 has a backrest designed from a polyamide frame with fibreglass and high tenacity elastic fabrics on an optional lower back support and that adapts to the user’s constant movements, facilitating the transpiration of the back and maintaining a constant temperature. La serie 30 nace de un respaldo diseñado a partir de un marco de poliamida con fibra de vidrio y tejidos elásticos de alta tenacidad que apoyan sobre un soporte lumbar opcional y que se adaptan al constante movimiento del usuario, facilitando la transpiración de la espalda y manteniendo...

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TRIM. Designed by AlegreDesign SERIE 40 COMFORTABLE ERGONOMICS FOR CURRENT WORK SPACES. In the case of chairs that are constantly used, it is important for the arms, seat and backrest to be adjustable to suit the natural movement of the body. In this sense, TRIM is based on solutions and high technical performance materials that guarantee its resistance. The design of the lower back area transmits physical well-being, but also emotional well-being. The ergonomic curves ensure a comfortable and correct posture. En el caso de las sillas de uso constante, es importante que los brazos, el...

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TRIM. Designed by AlegreDesign Serie 40. If something makes this model stand out is its technological support, designed to evenly distribute the user’s weight. The result is a reticular design backrest with an ergonomic and breathable structure, manufactured using polypropylene injection Serie 40. Si algo diferencia a este modelo es su respaldo tecnológico, diseñado para distribuir de forma homogénea el peso del usuario. El resultado es un respaldo de diseño reticular y conformación ergonómica y transpirable fabricado en inyección de polipropileno. Série 40. Ce modèle se différencie...

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TRIM. Designed by AlegreDesign TRIM ist ein auf das berufliche und operative Umfeld ausgerichteter Stuhl, in dem das Wohlbefinden und die Gesundheit der Mitarbeiter angestrebt wird. Sein Design wurde in drei Modelle umgesetzt: mit Polypropylenrücken, technischem Netzgewebe oder TEX-Polsterung. Alle zeichnen sich durch ihren Komfort aus. Die Materialien sorgen für ein nachhaltiges Leben und eine nachhaltige Nutzung. Tatsächlich sind 90% der Komponenten des Stuhls recycelbar, was dem Umweltbewusstsein von Actiu entspricht. 2 Back elevation system 4 Seat with ACS technology (airflow comfort...

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ACTIU TECHNOLOGY PARK DESIGN & ARCHITECTURE Space management and design Products. Own patents Communication SUSTAINABILITY Sustainable production Product. Eco-design Services, efficient logistics system Actiu Technology Park, certified LEED® Platinum MANUFACTURER We are manufacturers Domain raw materials and processes Technology and Innovation Standardized and specific solutions GLOBAL COVERAGE Presence in more than 90 countries Global equipment solutions. Corporate, Health, Education, Contract, Transport. ACTIU: 50 YEARS DESIGNING PUBLIC SPACES AND WORKSPACES. Actiu is an industrial...

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Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) Actiu

  1. Arkitek

    27 Pages

  2. Urban

    23 Pages

  3. TNK A500

    39 Pages

  4. STAY

    15 Pages


    31 Pages

  6. Vital Plus

    33 Pages

  7. Efit

    11 Pages

  8. Cron

    15 Pages

  9. Longo

    26 Pages

  10. Talent

    11 Pages

  11. Power

    11 Pages

  12. Wing

    14 Pages

  13. Whass

    19 Pages

  14. Noom

    27 Pages


    18 Pages

  16. PLEK

    18 Pages

  17. Passport

    14 Pages


    18 Pages

  19. Avant

    12 Pages

  20. LINK

    23 Pages

  21. Badminton

    15 Pages

  22. Prisma

    8 Pages

Catalogues archivés

  1. UKA

    15 Pages

  2. Winner

    10 Pages

  3. ON TIME

    10 Pages

  4. TNKID

    6 Pages

  5. IKARA

    12 Pages

  6. UMA

    14 Pages

  7. TNK

    18 Pages

  8. TRAMA

    26 Pages

  9. MIT

    18 Pages

  10. VIVA

    12 Pages

  11. IDONIA

    14 Pages

  12. SPACIO

    12 Pages

  13. KADOS

    12 Pages

  14. COOL

    30 Pages

  15. VITAL

    26 Pages

  16. Sièges

    50 Pages

  17. Solutions

    162 Pages

  18. block

    10 Pages

  19. split

    10 Pages

  20. Colectiva

    10 Pages

  21. Cubic

    6 Pages

  22. Class

    26 Pages

  23. SHAPE

    15 Pages

  24. Ergos

    6 Pages

  25. Arco

    10 Pages

  26. Central

    14 Pages

  27. Cool R200

    30 Pages

  28. Cool E100

    30 Pages

  29. Optima

    10 Pages

  30. Ofimat

    16 Pages

  31. Cool C400 C500

    30 Pages

  32. level

    26 Pages

  33. catalogue_2014

    57 Pages

  34. ACTIU

    50 Pages