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In 1963, three entrepreneurs founded ARLEX in a small workshop in Canovelles, an area on the outskirts of Barcelona known for its furniture-making tradition. They soon started to stand out for their contemporary designs and the quality of the materials they used. Over sixty years, both these values have remained intact, passing from generation to generation as the brand became more international and expanded its product range and facilities. Today ARLEX has a full range of furniture for both the contract channel and the home. We specialise in furnishing all types of corporate facilities,...
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ES — En 1963, tres emprendedores fundaron ARLEX en un pequeño taller de Canovelles, una zona a las afueras de Barcelona conocida por su tradición en la fabricación de mobiliario. Pronto empezaron a despuntar por sus diseños contemporáneos y la calidad de los materiales empleados. A lo largo de sesenta años, ambos valores han permanecido intactos, pasando de generación en generación, a la vez que la marca se internacionalizaba, ampliaba la gama de productos y sus instalaciones. Hoy ARLEX cuenta con una completa oferta de mobiliario, tanto para el canal contract, como hogar. Somos...
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Coherence is the cornerstone of ARLEX. Common sense prevails in every area: local production, quality materials, durable design and balanced prices. THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WOODS Proximity manufacturing in our own workshops affords us absolute control of each process. We work in a personalised way, adapting our furniture to each customer’s specific needs. We also ensure quick manufacturing turnarounds to achieve very fast deliveries. The quality of the materials we use is another of our core values. We use only oak and walnut wood from sustainable, FSC-certified forests. Our workshops analyse...
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WE SEEK TO REMAIN OVER TIME Our furniture designs are far removed from passing trends and fashions. We seek to remain over time with minimalist designs, free from harsh or excessive lines, in keeping with a contemporary lifestyle. Our designs are also the result of studies on ergonomics and functionality. We have our own design team and we also collaborate with renowned studios and avant-garde designers. Odosdesign, Josep Turull, PerezOchando, Eduard Juanola, Francesc Crous and Guimeràicinca have appended their signatures to some of our most outstanding collections. ES — El diseño de...
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In an everchanging society, adaptability is key. Needs change very quickly. Offices, educational establishments and hotels increasingly demand furniture that adapts to new ways of working and interacting. The same is true for domestic environments. Houses have become increasingly flexible and the boundaries between home, leisure and work are no longer clear. All of this requires customised furniture that meets every demand without harming the planet by cluttering it up with old furniture. With this in mind, at ARLEX we place the person at the centre of the design. We want our furniture to...
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Home: Where an individual or group lives, creating in them the sense of security and calm.
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We seek to integrate the handle of a container system into the product, without it, it looks like a superfluous extra element. This system offers many possibilities to combine finishes and the Nara has got the possibility to live in areas with very different aesthetics. ES — Buscamos integrar el tirador de un sistema contenedor dentro del producto, sin que parezca un elemento extra, superfluo. Inspirado en el marco de un lienzo, el uñero queda escondido en el borde perimetral. Este sistema nos ofrece muchas posibilidades para combinar acabados y conseguimos que la colección Nara pueda...
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EN - Nara TV modul in fume L177xH42,5x45 and sideboard L177xH153x45. ES - Mueble TV Nara acabado fume L177xH42,5x45 y bufet L177xH153x45. DE - Möbelstück TV Nara finish fume L177xH42,5x45 und buffet L177xH153x45. FR - Meuble TV Nara finition fume L177xH42,5x45 et buffet L177xH153x45. CA - Moble TV Nara acabat fume L177xH42,5x45 i bufet L177xH153x45.
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Nara has got the possibility to live in areas with very different aesthetics. EN - Nara singular sideboard in fume and make-up frame L118xH132,5x45. ES - Mueble singular Nara en fume y lacado maquillaje L118xH132,5x45. DE - Möbelstück singular Nara in fume und lack bilden L118xH132,5x45. FR - Meuble singulière Nara dans fume et lacqué maquillage L118xH132,5x45. CA - Moble singular Nara en fume i lacat maquillatge L118xH132,5x45.
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EN - Nara singular drawers in walnut and stone lacquered L118xH92,5x45. ES - Recibidor Nara acabado en nogal natura y lacado piedra L118xH92,5x45. DE - Eintrag Nara lack graubeige und Nussbaum L118xH92,5x45. FR - Tiroir Nara finition lacqué pierre et noyer L118xH92,5x45. CA - Rebedor Nara acabat lacat pedra i marc en noguera L118xH92,5x45. EN - Nara singular drawers in Honey Oak L177xH22,5x46. ES - Recibidor Nara acabado roble miel L177xH22,5x46. DE - Eintrag Nara finish eiche miel L177xH22,5x46. FR - Tiroir Nara finition chêne miel L177xH22,5x46. CA - Rebedor Nara acabat roure mel...
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ODOSDESIGN EN - Nara composition in Cinnamon Oak and Traffic grey L344xH165x45. ES - Composición Nara en roble canela y lacado marengo L344xH165x45. DE - Komposition Nara in eicheHonigeiche und lack marengo L344xH165x45. FR - Composition Nara dans chêne canelle et lacqué marengo L344xH165x45 CA - Composició Nara en roure canyella i lacat marengo L344xH165x45.
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EN - Nara TV modul in honey Oak and amaretto lacquered L206xH85x45 and sideboard L118xH110x45. ES - Mueble TV Nara acabado roble miel y lacado amaretto L206xH85x45 y bufet L118xH110x45. DE - Möbelstück TV Nara finish eiche honigeiche und lack amaretto L206xH85x45 und buffet L118xH110x45. FR - Meuble TV Nara finition chêne miel et lacqué amaretto L206xH85x45 et buffet L118xH110x45. CA - Moble TV Nara acabat roure mel i lacat amaretto L206xH85x45 i bufet L118xH110x45.
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 17Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) Arlex
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home collection
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Catalogues archivés
DELTA Program
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8 Pages