
Container Pod infosheet


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CONTAINER POD Dimensions (in cm) width height Other dimensions on request. NL Container Pod is een unieke, afgesloten ruimte in een open office omgeving. De glazen wanden bieden een hoge geluidsdichtheid, ver-hoogd akoestisch comfort en een gevoel van transparan-tie. Container Pod is beschik-baar in drie formaten; small, medium en large. Container Pod is aan te passen aan uw specifieke wensen. Hierdoor is Container Pod inzetbaar voor uiteenlopende activi-teiten als meetings, presen-taties, brainstormsessies, skypen en vertrouwelijke besprekingen. DE Container Pod ist ein einzigar-tiger,...

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Container Pod infosheet - 3

Container Pod is made up of upholstered and glass panels, which are placed on a 38 mm high black wooden plinth. The long sides consist of glass panels with a glass door on one side, equipped with a stainless steel handle and hinges. The short sides are constructed from upholstered, hollow panels, made from wood and fitted with acoustic foam. Due to their sound-absorbing and insulating action, they contribute to a positive effect on the acoustics inside and outside of the Container Pod. Container Pod is opgebouwd uit gestoffeerde en glazen panelen, welke op een 38 mm hoge zwarte houten plint...

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Container Pod infosheet - 4

GENERAL INFO CASALA CERTIFICATION Casala continually strives to reduce the environmental impact in the development of our products. During development, care is taken to make responsible use of raw materials and production techniques. For many years Casala has been working with dedicated suppliers and producers conformed to the ISO14001 standard. This standard is used worldwide to start and assess environmentalmanagement systems. In order to ensure wood and paper products originate from responsibly managed forest. Thanks to the established quality requirements and control of production...

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