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Dimensions (in cm) Diner Low Diner High depth 75 75 seat height: 43 / 45 / 47 seat depth: 51 cm DINER INFOSHEET NL Dîner is een eenvoudige strak vormgegeven bank, ideaal voor wachtruimtes, hore-cagelegenheden, recepties, bedrijfsrestaurants en kanti-nes. Bijzonder is dat Diner te bestellen is per cm met een maximale breedte van 240 cm. Diner kan op meerdere manieren worden geplaatst in een ruimte: strak tussen twee muren of panelen voor een compacte zithoek, rug-tegen-rug als treinbank of als losstaand object in de ruimte. Diner is verkrijgbaar in verschillende versies: in drie...
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The element is equipped with steel no sag springs, fitted with high-quality HR Eco foam. A layer of Dacron is placed over the foam. This drastically reduces friction and wear of the fabric. De romp is voorzien van stalen nosag veren, voorzien van hoogwaardig HR Eco schuim. Over het schuim wordt een laag Dacron aangebracht. Hierdoor wordt wrijving en slijtage van de stof drastisch gereduceerd. Der Rumpf ist mit NosagStahlfedern mit hochwertigem HR Eco-Schaum gefertigt. Auf den Schaum wird eine Schicht Dacron aufgebracht. Hierdurch werden Reibung und Verschleiß des Stoffs drastisch reduziert....
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POWDER COATINGS The powder coating used, does not contain toxic substances or components that hold heavy metals. During the production process, the redundant powder is intercepted and re-used in our production process. Powder coating colours that are not standard to the Casala collection can be used at the customer’s request. Soft Touch Fine Texture Fine texture white Tenor grey White soft touch SFT02 Light grey DINER INFOSHEET Traffic white Traffic grey Black soft touch Aluminium Grey Silver grey Fine texture yellow FT13 Fine texture blue Fine texture black The colours in this publication...
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GENERAL INFO DINER INFOSHEET CASALA CERTIFICATION Casala continually strives to reduce the environmental impact in the development of our products. During development, care is taken to make responsible use of raw materials and production techniques. For many years Casala has been working with dedicated suppliers and producers conformed to the ISO14001 standard. This standard is used worldwide to start and assess environmentalmanagement systems. In order to ensure wood and paper products originate from responsibly managed forest. Thanks to the established quality requirements and control of...
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 5Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) Casala
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Rama infosheet
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Tune infosheet
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Blender infosheet
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Corals infosheet
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Dotti infosheet
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Fence infosheet
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Floyd infosheet
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Frames infosheet
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Home infosheet
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Kwart infosheet
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Kylian infosheet
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Matrice infosheet
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Stream infosheet
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Centuro brochure
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Zifra brochure
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Tail infosheet
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Train bench infosheet
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Wave infosheet
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Tank infosheet
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Education brochure
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Healthcare brochure
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Hospitality brochure
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Worship brochure
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Caliber brochure
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Carver brochure
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Cobra brochure
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Curvy brochure
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Feniks brochure
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Woody brochure
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Sina brochure
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Onyx brochure
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Lacrosse brochure
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Casala Reference book 2020
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Labda brochure
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Lynx brochure
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Monolink brochure
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Leon brochure
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Noa brochure
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Ravelle brochure
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Siësta brochure
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Temo brochure
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Class brochure
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Casalino brochure
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Premieres 2018
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Church furniture
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