
Train bench infosheet


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TRAIN BENCH INFOSHEET Its name reveals the inspiration for this modular seating programme. With its variation in width and height, Train Bench can be assembled to everyone's wishes. The use of low and high backrests, whether or not combined, gives every public and open office space a playful and accessible character. Thanks to its active sitting position, Train Bench can easily be used for a variety of events such as dining, meetings, waiting and getting together. NL Zijn naam verklapt de inspi-ratie voor dit modulaire bank-programma. Met zijn variatie in breedte en hoogte is Train Bench...

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Train bench infosheet - 3

WAVE Dimensions width, height, depth (in cm) Seat height 43, 45, or 47 cm width per metre with a maximum of 240 cm height 80 / 95 / 120 / 160 depth 75 TRAIN BENCH INFOSHEET TRAIN BENCH INFOSHEET width per metre with a maximum of 240 cm height 80 / 95 / 120 / 160 depth 75

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Train bench infosheet - 4

Solid wooden seat element with steel no-sag suspension, equipped with high-quality HR Eco foam. A layer of Dacron is placed over the foam. This drastically reduces friction and wear of the fabric. Massief houten frame met stalen nosag vering, voorzien van hoogwaardig HR Ecoschuim. Over het schuim wordt een laag Dacron aangebracht. Hierdoor wordt wrijving en slijtage van de stof drastisch gereduceerd. Ausgestattet mit Massivholzrahmen, Nosag-Stahlfedern und hochwertigem HR Eco-Schaum. Zusätzlich wird eine Schicht Dacron über den HR Eco-Schaum gezogen. Hierdurch werden Reibung und Verschleiß...

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Train bench infosheet - 5

GENERAL INFO TRAIN BENCH INFOSHEET CASALA CERTIFICATION Casala continually strives to reduce the environmental impact in the development of our products. During development, care is taken to make responsible use of raw materials and production techniques. For many years Casala has been working with dedicated suppliers and producers conformed to the ISO14001 standard. This standard is used worldwide to start and assess environmentalmanagement systems. In order to ensure wood and paper products originate from responsibly managed forest. Thanks to the established quality requirements and...

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