Extraits du catalogue

NEWS Guest, Antonio Rodriguez Ala, Sébastian Herkner Join, Form Us With Love Accursio, Antonino Sciortino & Field of Details: Shar Pei, LucidiPevere Fan, Constance Guisset
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G ue st, Antonio R od riguez 0 4 Ala , S ebastia n H er kne r 2 4 J o in, Fo rm Us With Lo v e 3 8 Ac c ur sio , Antonino S c io rtino & Fi eld of Det ails : S ha r Pei, Luc idiPe ve re 6 0 Fa n, C on st anc e Guis se t 6 4
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GUEST, ALA, JOIN, ACCURSIO L'EVOLUZIONE DEL MADE IN ITALY La Cividina. The Evolution of Made in Italy La Cividina continues its development in the furnishings world, with new proposals it created with young and major designers. Antonio Rodriguez, Sebastian Herkner, Antonino Sciortino, and Form Us With Love contribute their creativity and research to enrich a collection that keeps getting broader and more transversal, deeply rooted in simplicity, beauty and quality and with recogni-sable values. La Cividina is also adding a new area of exploration: Field of Details, an exclusive collection...
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Un nuovo progetto nel quale divani indipendenti o modulari, poltrone e pouff permettono di creare soluzioni sempre diverse, risolvendo le esigenze d'arredo di molteplici ambienti: da un living room, a una sala d'attesa, a un hotel raffinato, alla grande hall di un aeroporto. Sono 22 gli elementi di differenti forme e dimensioni che possono comporre infiniti paesaggi domestici o collettivi, caratterizzati da linee essenziali e forme morbide e piene. A new design in which independent or modular sofas, armchairs and poufs can create a wide variety of solutions, for many furnishing needs in...
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9041. ACCURSIO coffe table
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9005. Guest left penisula ACCURSIO coffe table Guest armchair
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9005. Guest left penisula 9042. ACCURSIO coffe table
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9005. Guest left penisula ACCURSIO coffe table
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left element penisula element 150 closed curved element 200 right element penisula pouf diam. 130 pouf diam. 100
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9018. guest 9041. accursio 9014. guest 9007. guest closed curved element 200 coffe table left element penisula element 150 left element 200 closed curved element 200 coffe table right element 200
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pouf diam. 130 armchair coffe table left element 200 right element 200
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9000. Guest, armchair 9001 . guest, sofa 2seater 9002. Guest, sofa 2 seater major Pimensioni: dimensions: Pimensioni: Pimensions: Pimensioni: Dimensions: 9009. Guest, right element 150 9010. Guest, left element 150 9011 . Guest, right element 200 Dimensioni: Dimensions: Dimensioni: Dimensions: Dimensioni: Dimensions: 9003. Guest, sofa 3seater 9004. Guest, right peninsula 9005. Guest, left peninsula Dimensioni: Dimensions: Dimensioni: Dimensions: Dimensioni: Dimensions: 9012. Guest, left element 200 9013. Guest, right element...
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9015. Guest, open curved element 100 9016. guest, closed curved element 100 9006. Guest, element 100 9007. Guest, element 150 Dimensioni: H 76 x L 100 x P 95 cm H seduta 40 cm raggio post. 155 cm raggio ant. 250 cm Dimensioni: H 76 x L 100 x P 95 cm H seduta 40 cm raggio post. 250 cm raggio ant. 155 cm Dimensioni: H 76 x L 100 x P 95 cm H seduta 40 cm H seduta 15 3 / 4” H seduta 40 cm H seduta 15 3 / 4” H seduta 40 cm 9017. Guest, open curved element 200 9018. Guest, closed curved element 200 9019. Guest, pouf diam. 70 9020. Guest, pouf diam. 100 9021 . Guest, pouf diam. 130...
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LA CIVIDINA Grazia c leggerezza sono i tratti dlstlntlvl d. questa femlgUa di poltrone. dîvani e pouf, dal sapore piacevoimente vintage. Due le possibilité per la struttura: in tubolare metaUlco oppure in legno di frassino tinto o naturale Motteplici l tessuti ed i colori per il rivcstimcnto deU'ampo schienale. delta seduta e dei braccioli. che con le loro forme ampie acco^gono il corpo e creano un'atmosfcra Intima. In casa coma negi< spazi del contracl Grâce and lightncss are thc dettnlng traits of this famity of armcha»rs. sofas and poufs with a pleasantly vintage feel. The structure is...
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8871. ALA low aimchair with arms 8870. ALA 8871. ALA low amichai! low armchaii with arms
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8886. ala high high sofa
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pouf high armchair with arms low sofa with arms coffe table
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ala high high armchair with arms ala high high sofa
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8874. ALA high high armchair 9030/9037. accursio coffe table 8884. ALA HIGH 8885. ALA HIGH 9033/9044. ACCURSIO high armchair high armchair with arms coffe table
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NEWS 15 LA CIVIDINA 8880. Ala wood, low armchair 8881 . Ala wood, low armchair with £ 8871 . Ala steel, low armchair with arms Dimensioni: H 84 x L 92 x P 73 cm H seduta 41 cm Dimensioni: Dimensions: H bracciolo 65 cm H seat 16 1/ 8” H armrest 25 5 / 8” Dimensioni: H 84 x L137 x P 73 cm H seduta 41 cm Dimensioni: H 84 x L 92 x P 73 cm H seduta 41 cm Dimensioni: Dimensions: Dimensioni: H bracciolo 65 cm H seat 16 1/ 8” H seduta 41 cm 8883. Ala wood, low sofa with wood, high armchair 8885. Ala wood, high armchair with arms low sofa with arms 8874. Ala steel, high armchair...
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La famiglia di divani, poltrone e pouff Join si arricchisce di una nuova possibilità: lo schienale con poggiatesta che aggiunge un’ulteriore variante al divanetto a due posti, alla poltrona ed alla poltroncina. Un nuovo elemento con proporzioni studiate per inserirsi armoniosamente in questo progetto lineare, elegante e capace di risolvere gli ambienti e le esigenze più diverse, dalla casa agli spazi collettivi. JOIN high sofa small The Join family of sofas, armchairs and poufs offers a brand-new option: a back with a headrest, for a new variation on the two-seater sofa, armchair and small...
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8853. join 9036/9034. accursio high armchair big coffe table
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9036. ACCURSIO coffe table 8840. JOIN small armchair 8851. JOIN high armchair small
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8853. join high armchair big 8856. join 9036. accursio high 3seater big coffe table high armchair big coffe table
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8851 . Join high, armchair small 8852 . Join high, sofa small 8853. Join high, armchair big 8840. Join small, armchair 8841 . Join small, armchair Dimensioni: H 97 x L 70 x P 70 cm H seduta 44 cm H bracciolo 60 cm Dimensioni: H 97 x L 82 x P 82 cm H seduta 42 cm H bracciolo 58 cm Dimensioni: H 97 x L 140 x P 70 cm H seduta 44 cm H bracciolo 60 cm Dimensioni: H 77 x L 70 x P 70 cm H seduta 44 cm H bracciolo 62 cm Dimensioni: H 77 x L 70 x P 70 cm H seduta 44 cm H bracciolo 62 cm Dimensioni: H 75 x L 82 x P 82 cm H seduta 42 cm H bracciolo 60 cm 8855. Join high, 2seater major big 8843. J oin,...
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