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SIMPLIFY YOUR LIFE La tecnologia che semplifica la vita Crediamo nell’utilizzo consapevole della tecnologia, un’alleata per migliorare la qualità della vita delle persone. Sviluppiamo il concetto di well-tech nel mondo dell’abitare. Comfort, sicurezza, controllo ed esperienza sono le parole chiave che tracciano il nostro percorso, oltre il concetto di domotica, verso un autentico benessere abitativo. Siamo nati nel 2012, forti delle nostre esperienze nel settore dell’automazione industriale e dell’elettronica. Arricchendo questa competenza, maturata in oltre 30 anni, con la passione per il...
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INDEX Simplify your life Signum Deep Signum Surface DELÉGO SUPERVISION SENTIO AUDIO MULTIROOM Ekinex Speakers by Laboratorio Audio DOOR PHONE IP DICO Finishes & materials Bespoke finishes Simplify your actions Text & symbols Product range
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SIGNUM DEEP The ultimate choice for a different home. Nuovi comandi a pulsanti “virtuali” SIGNUM con display grafico New SIGNUM standard "virtual" pushbutton controls with colour a colori, feedback aptico, interfaccia tattile, display borderless, graphic display, haptic feedback, touch interface, borderless Bluetooth LE (Low Energy) per personalizzazione testi e grafica display, Bluetooth LE (Low Energy) for customising text da app per dispositivi mobili. In perfetto family feeling con la serie and graphics from mobile device apps. In perfect family feeling with the Ekinex 20VENTI Deep series
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Room temperature controller Series Version Display Finishes SIGNUM Deep LCD backlit Metal | Nickel "Virtual" pushbutton with display Series Version Display Resolution SIGNUM Deep 2.65” RGB display with haptic feedback 162 x 320 pixel, 262K colours Metal | Nickel Power socket Series SIGNUM Version Deep Socket type Schuko USB (A / C) Finishes Metal | Nickel Painted plastic | Nickel (socket cover)
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SIGNUM SURFACE A new concept for the contemporary home. Nuovi comandi a pulsanti “virtuali” SIGNUM con display grafico New SIGNUM standard "virtual" pushbutton controls with colour a colori, feedback aptico, interfaccia tattile, display borderless, graphic display, haptic feedback, touch interface, borderless Bluetooth LE (Low Energy) per personalizzazione testi e grafica display, Bluetooth LE (Low Energy) for customising text and da app per dispositivi mobili. In perfetto family feeling con la graphics from mobile device apps. In perfect family feeling with the Ekinex 20VENTI Surface series
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Air quality multisensor and regulator Series SIGNUM Version Surface LED’s colour Predefined colours Finishes Fenix NTM® | Cocoa Orinoco "Virtual" pushbutton with display Series Version Display Resolution Functions SIGNUM Surface 2.65” RGB display with haptic feedback 162 x 320 pixel, 262K colours Thermostat and audio (on request) Fenix NTM® | Cocoa Orinoco Power socket Series SIGNUM Version Surface Socket type IT USB (A / C) Finishes Fenix NTM® | Cocoa Orinoco Painted plastic | Cocoa Orinoco (socket cover)
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Intuition, flexibility and continuous growth. La serie 20VENTI in versione Deep rappresenta un’evoluzione 20VENTI series in its Deep version represents an evolution del design compatto ed essenziale della serie 71, arricchito da of the compact and essential design of 71 series, enriched nuove caratteristiche che facilitano il riconoscimento delle funzioni with new features that facilitate the recognition of functions from fin dal primo utilizzo. I materiali utilizzati sono plastica, metallo, the first use. The materials used are plastic, metal, metal HT metal HT e il nanotecnologico Fenix...
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Room temperature controller Series Version Display Finishes 20VENTI Deep LCD backlit Metal HT | Black metal 8-fold pushbutton and proximity sensor Series Version LED’s colour Rockers nr. Finishes 20VENTI Deep RGB 8 with backlit text/symbols Metal HT | Black metal Painted plastic | Intense Black RAL 9005 (rockers) 8-fold pushbutton and proximity sensor Power socket Schuko USB Series Version LED’s colour Rockers nr. Socket type Finishes 20VENTI Deep RGB 8 with backlit text/symbols Schuko USB (A / C) Metal HT | Black metal Painted plastic | Intense Black RAL 9005 (rockers) Dimensions 158 x 87...
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Essentiality and functionality in a single product. La serie 20VENTI in versione Surface rappresenta un’evoluzione 20VENTI series in its Surface version represents an evolution del design compatto ed essenziale della serie 71, ma si arricchisce of the compact and essential design of 71 series but is enriched di nuove caratteristiche che agevolano il riconoscimento delle with new features that make it easier to recognize the functions funzioni della tastiera fin dal primo utilizzo. I materiali utilizzati sono of the keyboard from the first use. The materials used are plastic, plastica,...
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Air quality multisensor and regulator Series 20VENTI Version Surface LED’s colour Predefined colours Finishes 4-fold pushbutton and proximity sensor Series Version LED’s colour Rockers nr. Finishes 20VENTI Surface RGB 4 with backlit text/symbols Metal | Brass Painted plastic | Brass (rockers) Power socket Series 20VENTI Version Surface Socket type UK USB (A / C) Finishes Metal HT | Brass Painted plastic | Brass (socket cover)
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Simple and linear. An essential form that suggests an idea of reliability and rigour. La serie FF in versione Form presenta un'ampia gamma The FF series in Form version features a wide range di dispositivi dotati di LED integrati con intensità luminosa of devices with integrated LEDs with adjustable light intensity, regolabile, touch-display, prese elettriche e moduli keystone. touch-displays, power sockets and keystone modules. I materiali utilizzati sono plastica, metallo, metal HT, The materials used are plastic, metal, metal HT, il nanotecnologico Fenix NTM® e le diverse finiture...
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Room temperature controller Series Version LED’s colour Display Finishes FF Form Red & White / Blue & Green LCD backlit Metal | Carbon Pushbutton with thermostat Series Version LED’s colour Rockers nr. FF Form Red & White / Blue & Green 4 (square) Metal | Carbon Power socket Series FF Version Form Socket type IT USB (A / C) Finishes Metal | Carbon Painted plastic | Carbon (socket cover)
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 20Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) Ekinex®
Technique Catalogue 2024
209 Pages
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44 Pages
25 Pages
28 Pages
43 Pages
Who We Are Tech
33 Pages
Who We Are
27 Pages