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LISTEN BEYOND You have just purchased a Focal product. We would like to thank you and welcome you to our world, the world of High-Fidelity... Focal has been designing, developing and manufacturing speaker drivers and loudspeakers for 40 years, and more recently headphones. Innovation, Tradition, Performance and Pleasure are our key values. Wherever you are, only one goal for us: gathering you around a common passion, the rich, faithful and pure sound. Listen Beyond. Wir danken Ihnen, dass Sie sich für ein Produkt von Focal entschieden haben und heißen Sie in unserer Produktwelt – der Welt...

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FABRIQUÉ EN FRANCE MADE IN FRANCE The speaker driver is what is at the core of Focal’s DNA, it is what the historical root of our trade is built around: technology, mechanics and sophisticated materials. Focal’s history is written every day by men and women whose unique expertise pushes back the limits of sound reproduction. We are proud to have succeeded in keeping our own manufacturing facilities, which was the only feasible way for us to continue innovating and developing our expertise and technology. This has given us unique recognition, that of being awarded a Living Heritage Company...

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EXCELLENCE EXCELLENCE Whether it is a loudspeaker, a studio monitor, a car audio kit or headphones, we only develop products that we are certain will become a reference in their category. All our products are designed and manufactured with the same quality standards, by the same teams of engineers and specialised operators in order to provide the best audio solutions, whatever the size or price, from entry-level products to luxury ranges. That is what makes our offer and our brand unique. Egal, ob es sich um eine Lautsprecherbox, einen Studio-Monitor, ein Fahrzeug-Kit oder auch um einen...

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INNOVATION INNOVATION Innovation means pushing back the limits of the impossible. Innovation requires a certain frame of mind, the freedom to brave the extravagant, to dare the impossible... Utopia perfectly symbolises this. Above all, it is a desire which has been part of Focal since day one, a desire driven by the passion for sound and all its delights. Today, innovation goes way beyond technology, it also involves aesthetics and usage. And to achieve innovation without constraint, there was no other way for Focal than to master each and every process, including manufacturing of course......

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PLAISIR PLEASURE That is the ultimate goal, our quest: to offer you audio devices which bring you closer to artists and their intentions, their intimacy, with pure, faithful sound whose harmonic richness paves the way for listening pleasure. What is more, today, music follows you everywhere... From the recording studio to the living room, from your car to the street, and we want to be the only ones taking care of reproducing your music for your greatest pleasure. Dies ist das Ziel, unser ganz privater Kreuzzug: Ihnen Klangobjekte anzubieten, die Ihnen die Absichten des Künstlers näher...

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B I Q â ii«l FOCAL C€ 2 © Focal-JMIab® - BP 374 - 108, rue de l'Avenir - 42353 La Talaudière cedex - France - Tel. (+33) 04 77 43 57 00 - Fax (+33) 04 77 43 57 04 - SCAA-181213/5 - CODO1445

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Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) FOCAL

  1. 1000 ICW6

    2 Pages

  2. 1000 ICA6

    2 Pages

  3. 1000 IW6

    2 Pages

  4. 1000 ICLCR5

    3 Pages

  5. 1000 IWLCR6

    2 Pages


    1 Pages


    1 Pages

  8. ALPHA 50 EVO

    1 Pages

  9. ALPHA 65 EVO

    1 Pages

  10. chorus 726

    1 Pages

  11. SUB 500 P HP

    1 Pages

  12. SUB 1000 f

    1 Pages

  13. KANTA N°3

    1 Pages

  14. ARIA S900

    1 Pages

  15. ARIA 948

    1 Pages


    2 Pages

  17. KANTA N°1

    2 Pages

  18. KANTA N°2

    2 Pages


    1 Pages


    1 Pages

  21. SOPRA N°1

    1 Pages

  22. SOPRA N°2

    1 Pages

  23. SOPRA N°3

    1 Pages

  24. Sib & Co

    2 Pages

  25. Dome

    8 Pages

  26. UtopiaTM III

    48 Pages

  27. ELEAR

    1 Pages

  28. SIB EVO

    2 Pages

  29. UTOPIA

    1 Pages

  30. Easya

    5 Pages