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Finishing equipment EFFICIENCY & QUALITY Maquinaria para acabados EFICIENCIA Y CALIDAD Machines pour finitions EFFICACITÉ ET QUALITÉ LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT
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THE QUALITY IS IN THE FINISH. DETAILS THAT SAY A LOT ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS. LA CALIDAD ESTA EN EL ACABADO. LOS DETALLES HABLAN DE SU NEGOCIO. LA QUALITÉ RÉSIDE DANS LA FINITION. LES DÉTAILS SONT LE REFLET DE VOTRE ENTREPRISE. In laundry and dry cleaning, every stage must be perfect if you want to stand out in terms of quality for your customer and productivity for your business. Finishing equipment has the job of placing a final signature on your laundry, on every item. The cuffs and collar of a shirt or impeccably pressed trousers show your customers how professional your business is. The...
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i SPOTTING BOARDS Professional cold or steam spotting boards for removing all types of stains. Ideal for dry cleaners, the clothing industry, hotel laundries r DESMANCHADORAS Desmanchadoras profesionales a frio o a vapor para eliminar todo tipo de manchas. Ideales para tintorerias, industria de la confeccion, lavanderias de hoteles DÉTACHEUSES Détacheuses professionnelles à froid ou à vapeur éliminant tout type de taches. Idéales pour teintureries, industrie de la confection, blanchisseries d'hôtels S/F and S/FC (Cold) Fitted with two spot removing guns: • One with products for removing...
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A PERFECT SPOT-FREE FINISH Removing spots before the washing process ensures that the cycle will not have to be repeated. Ergonomic design means that the tools necessary for spot removal are within easy reach. ACABADO PERFECTO SIN MANCHAS Eliminar las manchas antes del proceso de lavado, nos asegura no tener que repetir el ciclo. Diseno ergonomico que permite disponer de las herramientas necesarias para el proceso de desmanchado al alcance de la mano. FINITION PARFAITE SANS TACHES Éliminer les taches avant de procéder au lavage assure de ne pas devoir refaire le cycle. Conception...
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IRONING BOARDS Ideal systems for laundries, clothing manufacturers and communities in general. MESAS DE REPASO Equipos ideales para lavanderias, centros de confeccion y comunidades en general TABLES DE REPASSAGE Machines idéales pour blanchisseries, centres de confection et copropriétés en général S/AVR S/AVC S/AAR An electrically-heated ironing board with a vacuum system for holding the item to be ironed in place. Steam boiler with built-in pump for the hand iron. S/AVR Steam-heated ironing board. On-board vacuum and steaming for a high-quality finish. A boiler with a pump for supplying...
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BLOWER OPTION S/AAR-S, A/AVR-S AND S/AVC-S Uses an on-board blowing system to create a cushion of air to aid in ironing linen with protruding parts, as well as ironing delicate articles in wool and silk without any distortion problems. The three models include a hand iron in their equipment. OPCION SOPLANTE S/AAR-S, A/AVR-S Y S/AVC-S Permite mediante el soplado en la tabla formar un cojin de aire para facilitar el planchado de prendas con relieve, consiguiendo de esta forma un efecto maniqui, ademas de piezas delicadas como lana y seda sin problemas de deformacion. Los tres modelos incluyen...
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PRESSES PRENSAS Presses especially suitable for the garment ironing finish, achieving optimum finish in a minimum time and with the lowest energy consumption. Prensas especialmente indicadas para el planchado de ropa de forma, consiguiendo un acabado optimo, en un tiempo minimo y un consumo de energia muy bajo. PRESSES Presses particulièrement utiles pour le repassage de linge en forme, qui permettent d'obtenir une finition optimale en un temps minimum et une consommation d'énergie très basse. A SPEEDY PROFESSIONAL FINISH, USING A PRESS GIRBAU presses are designed to meet customers'...
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COMFORTABLE WORKING In models S/EIP4, S/ICP and S/IDS the top buck is lowered automatically by compressed air (compressor not included). In model S/MP4 it is lowered manually (by pedal) Top buck balanced and mounted on a bar with ball bearings. Both bucks steam Bottom buck with vacuum. ( Except S/ICP and S/IDS). A finish adapted to each garment The possibility of adjusting the pressure of the presses allows the garment to be given the precise treatment it requires. Safety: Handrail fitted at the top buck and two push buttons provided to close the buck. (Except in model S/MP4). COMODIDAD DE...
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i AUTOMATIC FORM FINISHERS The ideal equipment for finishing shaped garments in laundries, clothing manufacturers and residents' associations in general. F MANIQUIS AUTOMÂTICOS Equipos ideales para el acabado de ropa de forma de lavanderias, centros de confeccion y comunidades en general. MANNEQUINS AUTOMATIQUES Machines idéales pour la finition de linge en forme de blanchisseries, centres de confection et copropriétés en général. Automatic form finishers with adjustable steaming and ventilation time S/AV Self-contained, with built-in steam generator, feed pump and fan. S/VC Model with...
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COMBINED FORM FINISHER MANIQUIES COMBINADOS MANNEQUINS COMBINÉS S/MTA S/MTV S/MTA S/MTV S/MTA S/MTV With a combined form finisher, upper garments such as jackets, coats and shirts can be ironed alternately with lower garments like trousers. It has automatic alternate "form finisher" and "topper" positioning that allows the user to adjust the ironing to the size of the article, and in the case of trousers, the pneumatic tensioning is automatic. The machine is fitted with three timers for distributing steam, a mixture of air and steam, and blown air. The air is adjustable depending on the...
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SHIRT EQUIPMENT S/ICP EQUIPOS DE CAMISAS S/IDS ÉQUIPEMENTS POUR CHEMISES S/IMC IMPECCABLE SHIRTS POUR DES CHEMISES IMPECCABLES Productivity: automating the ironing of shirts saves you time while providing your customers with professional ironing. Productividad: la automatización del planchado de camisas le permite ganar tiempo y ofrecer un planchado profesional a sus clientes. Productivité : l’automatisation du repassage des chemises vous permet de gagner du temps et offrir à vos clients un repassage professionnel. Quality: the quality with automatic ironing is very similar to that with...
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 12Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) GIRBAU
HS Series Laveuses essoreuses
12 Pages
Tunnel de lavage TBS-50
12 Pages
ED SERIES Sechoirs
12 Pages
Calandres PC series
16 Pages
General Products
8 Pages
Séchoirs STSeries
8 Pages
Laveuses Serie RMS/RMG
8 Pages
40 Pages
4 Pages
Wet Cleaning
8 Pages
4 Pages
FR Series
8 Pages
FT series
12 Pages
2 Pages
Séchoirs SLI Series
4 Pages
Repassage P-2510/2514
4 Pages
Dryers STI series
4 Pages
Sechoir ST-100
8 Pages
Presse d'extraction SPR-50
8 Pages
Recovery tank: AS/ RT
2 Pages
Flatwork ironing system
12 Pages
4 Pages
8 Pages
Catalogues archivés
Flatwork technology PB
8 Pages