Magazine SPACE 05


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Magazine SPACE 05 - 1

Proudly Made In Italy

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Magazine SPACE 05 - 2

Our needs have changed and so has the way we inhabit spaces.There is no more a universal formula for designing work and home environments, as we need many different combinations, capable of easily adapting to our daily activities and facilitating the alternation between individual and sharing moments. DE NOUVEAUX SIÈGES POUR UN STYLE DE VIE MODERNE NEUE SITZGELEGENHEITEN FÜR EINEN MODERNEN LEBENSSTIL Le nostre necessità sono cambiate e così anche il nostro modo di abitare gli spazi è diverso. Non esiste più una formula universale per progettare gli ambienti di lavoro e di casa, ma servono...

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Magazine SPACE 05 - 3

CHAIRS WITH A PURPOSE What happens if you put people in a position where they can give their best? Nume chairs are a concrete example of how contemporary design can adapt to the different needs of work environments and beyond. Thanks to their versatility and flexibility, they promote collaboration and the sharing of ideas, but also concentration, both in the office and in public spaces. Cosa può accadere se metti le persone nella condizione di poter dare il meglio di sé? Le sedute Nume sono l’esempio concreto di come il design contemporaneo può adattarsi alle diverse necessità degli...

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Magazine SPACE 05 - 4

EN — Freedom of movement and endless combination possibilities. IT — Libertà di movimento e infinite possibilità di combinazione. FR — Liberté de mouvement et possibilités de combinaison infinies. DE — Bewegungsfreiheit und unendliche Kombinationsmöglichkeiten.

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Magazine SPACE 05 - 5

Adaptable table, limitless solutions Timo Change your way of living spaces with Timo. Directly from the new 2024 collection, the first table without castors that can be folded and stacked, both horizontally and vertically, to reply quickly and practically to different furnishing needs, without sacrificing style. IBEBI’s answer for those seeking a design solution adaptable to any environment, from school to university, and to the office. Ändern Sie Ihre Art zu leben mit Timo. Direkt aus der neuen Kollektion 2024, der erste Tisch ohne Räder, der sich horizontal und vertikal zusammenklappen...

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Magazine SPACE 05 - 6

News in sight for Tam Tam, the folding table with a cross-functional design that can be moved effortlessly. Now, it becomes even more executive, thanks to new wood and veneer top finishes, making it a perfect solution for contract environments. Ergonomic, flexible and with a wide customisable colour palette, it easily adapts to every need, allowing you to alternate moments of individual work and sharing. Novità per Tam Tam, il tavolo pieghevole dal design cross‑funzionale che si sposta senza sforzi. Ora, ancora più executive, grazie alle nuove finiture del piano impiallacciato legno che lo...

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Magazine SPACE 05 - 7

Rise Elevate your level The table that follows your rhythms and ideas. Its pneumatic, gas-lifting structure on castors allows it to follow you between offices, multimedia classrooms and all other smart-working spaces. But there’s more: thanks to its foldable and fully writable top, it can also be used as a whiteboard to facilitate your sharing and training moments. The result? A multifunctional table that is easy to move and store after use, depending on your needs. ÉLEVEZ VOTRE NIVEAU Il tavolo che segue i tuoi ritmi e le tue idee. La sua struttura elevabile pneumatica a gas su ruote gli...

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Magazine SPACE 05 - 8

Multi: new colours, more style. Bea, the ergonomic chair with the characteristic backrest that promotes a correct and comfortable posture, is back. This time, with new details and colours: beige, coral red, cane green, sugar paper and anthracite. Five colours designed to enhance offices, contract spaces and study rooms, facilitating work between clients, colleagues, and students. Seating collection Seating collection Designed and manufactured to combine work and relax, but with a touch of style. Multi is the seat from IBEBI’s family that is perfectly suited for conference halls, meeting...

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Magazine SPACE 05 - 9

A must for training rooms Today, learning has changed more than ever, and requires us to think of new spaces and furniture solutions available in different heights and capable of making activities more fluid and interconnected. We realised that there is not just one way of learning, and accepted the challenge to find increasingly smart solutions that put students first, to create a space that transforms, adapts to their needs and stimulates productivity, without betraying the high standards of quality and sustainability that have always guided us. We believe that, in this process, design...

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Magazine SPACE 05 - 10

You may also like COMPLEMENTS Silenzio Free Standing Kumo Free Standing Acoustic panels with chipboard frame and polyurethane, coated with fabric, on castors or on feet. Acoustic panels, wood frame, polyurethane padding, non-removable fabric covering, on feet. Pannelli acustici con struttura in truciolare e poliuretano, rivestimento in tessuto, su ruote o su piedini. Pannello acustico, struttura in legno, imbottitura in poliuretano, rivestimento in tessuto non sfoderabile, su piedini. Panneaux acoustiques avec une structure en aggloméré et polyuréthane, revêtu en tissu, sur roulettes ou sur...

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Magazine SPACE 05 - 11

You may also like SEATING Pouf with in steel pipe frame Ø 30 mm. Upholstered seat. Stool with in steel pipe frame Ø 30 mm. Upholstered seat. Bio chiars consists of a very wide and comfortable polypropylene seat and a rectangular steel tube frame. Pouf con struttura in tubo d’acciaio Ø 30 mm. Sedile tappezzato. Sgabello con struttura in tubo d’acciaio Ø 30 mm. Sedile tappezzato. Armchair with a 4 legs frame on wheels or with sled frame in asform tube. Tosca is available in the upholstered version or with mesh back and upholstered seat. Pouf avec structure en tube d’acier Ø 30 mm. Assise...

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Magazine SPACE 05 - 12

You may also like TABLES & ACCESSORIES Table. Steel pipe frame with castors (kick pedal). Tavolo. Struttura in tubo d’acciaio Ø 30 mm su ruote (kick pedal). A table with cross‑functional design that moves quickly and effortlessly on its castors. A table with a practical and modern style, which can be vertically stacked and joined thanks to linking devices. It is a must for training and conference rooms; thanks to its flip-top, it can be nested and simply put back. Table. Structure en tube d’acier sur roulettes (kick pedal). Il tavolo ergonomico e dal design cross‑funzionale che si sposta su...

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