Extraits du catalogue

INTHETILE General Catalogue Mist Sériés
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Collection of textured ceramic tiles to transform anyspace into a place with refined and distinguished style, allowing an impressive sense of movement, which will undoubtedlyelevate the décor of any space. Natural finishes, faux polished, lappato, rustic and much more. Explore ail the possibilities of the sériés in th/s collection and start imagining the look and feel ofyour walls and floors now. Colecciôn de baldosas texturizadas para transformar cualquier espacio en un lugar con estilo refinado y distinguido, permitiendo una impresionante sensaciôn de movimiento, que s/n duda elevarà la...
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lt is curious how nowadays everything oldand old reminds us of the past, which is so fashionable. Like those mirrors in which one can hardly even look, but that seem to bring to the présent reflections of ancienttimesand anelegance and distant stories that are ditticult to find sometimes in contemporary designs. MIST is inspired by aged mirrors, which give us infinité reflections and a chromatics of intense and élégant tones. Es curioso como en la actualidad todo lo antiguo, lo envejecido, nos recuerda al pasado que esta tan de moda. Como esos espejos en los que casi no puede uno ni...
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Porcelain tile / Grès porcelônico Thickness: 10mm (0,39") / Espesor: 10mm Rectified / Rectificado Polished Finish / Acabado Pulido Wallcovering use / Revestimiento de paredes Indoor & outdoor / Interiory exterior
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 6
Technical Data
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1. Choosing a ceramic tile When choosing a ceromic tile to cover a certain surface, attention must be paid to a sériés ofaestheticaKcolor, design, texture, etc.) and technicaKphysical-chemical features, etc.) conditions. The technical factors for an adéquate choice will dépend on the spécifie situation, weather conditions in région, and expected use. The ceramic pièces contained in this catalog are decorated with a thin métal application. Manipulate with spécial care. Improper handling (scratching and/or scrap-ing) and improper use of abrasive détergents cari damage the pièces. Treat these...
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 8
SERIE Abstra Rake House Framed Mist 2Lines Slate Urban Artic Fusion Tempo Jurgen Metrik Kondo Trames 2Moreone Cottage Become 2Geom Cosmos
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 9
@INTHETILE Inthetile, S.L. Pol.lnd. UIIFondo C/ Navelina - Nave 9 12539 Les Alqueries (Castellôn)- Espana +34 964 200 652 info@inthetile.com www.inthetile.com
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 10Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) INTHETILE
10 Pages
11 Pages
Catalogue Général
108 Pages
11 Pages
11 Pages
11 Pages
11 Pages
Série 2GEOM
11 Pages
11 Pages
11 Pages
11 Pages
11 Pages
Série 2LINES
11 Pages
11 Pages