Extraits du catalogue
Isocop Industrial roof Detail of the roof (bianco griglio color) 34
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 1A roof panel that is very versatile and gives high aesthetic results. The various available options allow a customized choice in order to meet the user's needs, since it suggests a new design for industrial and public roofs. Aesthetically pleasing, it allows the intégration of différent roof Systems thanks to a wide range of éléments of flashings and roof Windows. It is also appropriate for mono and polycrystalline photovoltaic roofs. Isocop is a panel designed for roofs with a minimum slope of 7% for industrial, public and commercial buildings. Idéal for large roofs. It can be used...
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 2Isocop PRODUCT INFORMATION THICKNESS INSTRUCTIONS OF USE For the use of the panels and the related limits, please consult the technical data sheet available on www.isopan.it under the section “technical data sheet” and the “recommendations for the assembly of ribbed sheets and metal faced insulating panels” defined by AIPPEG Association of Italian Producers of Panels and Ribbed Ements. Panel transversal section Details of the assembly phase Right Overlap Left Overlap F D = mm 100-150-200-250 Other measurement after agreement Details of the fixing system and the coupling tolerance 36 Details...
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 3Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) Isopan
Catalogue General
116 Pages
8 Pages
20 Pages
24 Pages
Isopan Energy
20 Pages
Isotego 1000
4 Pages
Isoray 3.3 and Isoray 6
4 Pages
Isodeck 40 1000
4 Pages
Isogrecata 1000
4 Pages
Isovela 1000
4 Pages
Isofire wall - fono
4 Pages
Isofire wall 1000
4 Pages
Isofire wall plissé
4 Pages
4 Pages
10 Pages
Isoparete Plissé
4 Pages
Nuovo Isoparete piano
4 Pages
Nuovo Isoparete
4 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages