Extraits du catalogue

Credits Content by Mobenia Contract Division. Graphic Design & Editorial Concept by Angela Sabio. Printed by Pentagraf. © Mobenia. We Love Contract Our Brand Discover everything Mobenia can offer you for your next contract project. We open the doors of our house for you to get to know us better. Years of experience and projects of all kinds allow us to offer a specialized approach that conveys our passion for this demanding industry. We arrive anywhere in the world with an experienced team accustomed to adapt to the singularities of each project. Different ideas for different styles, global...
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Our olive trees and family business are our life and passion. The knowledge and affection for our profession and the land has been transmitted through generations. [EN] Handcrafted Beginnings Our origins are tied to working with wood and handcrafted furniture which is a strong tradition in Senia, Tarragona. As there is so much wood from forests native to the area and the people here are so entrepreneurial and industrious, a network of companies manufac-turing furniture was established during the twentieth century. Our company which was set up in 1988 developed from a family business of...
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Commitment to Design Our commitment to Mediterranean talent and emerging designers has been constant over recent years. We work together, making an effort to understand and respond to people’s needs. We like to know how they want to live and what their homes and habits are like. It is essential to adapt to changes which go beyond mere aesthetics. Design is a great ally and a fundamental asset when exploring new trends in home. In our catalogues you can find well-known and lesser-known designer names from Spain; Mario Ruiz, Odosdesign, Isaac Piñeiro, Made studio, Martín Consuegra, Yonoh,...
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PLEASURE ESPECIALISTS Mediterranean nature Our olive trees and family business are our life and passion. The knowledge and affection for our profession and the land has been transmitted through generations. Like many Mediterranean villages, we have become more modern, but we still preserve this devotion to our roots and the land which is so special to us and which gives colour to our character and makes us so different. From Algeciras a Istanbul… as the popular Spanish song goes, we are villages which are characterised by the land and the sea… for our mild climate, our love of life and our...
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We are Sustainable In 1993, we were already ahead of European regulations by installing a silo system for collecting particles of wood and varnish by gravity, which reduces emissions in the environment. Following the same philosophy, we have not lessened our determination for innovation so that we can continue respecting the environment. In fact, in 2008 we incorporated a water process for finishes to our varnishing lines, and this together with previous improvements means that we now emit 96% less to the atmosphere, which is much lower than E.U. specifications. Somos sostenibles Ya en el...
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Modern DNA We have an area of 15.000m2 with the most modern facilities you can currently equip a furniture factory with. Machines controlled by computers, automatic machines and automated loading and unloading systems which generate an increase in productivity and the quality of our products, as well as making work easier for our operators. The “just in time” productive system, together with that hand-crafted touch on certain pieces, makes us unique. [ES] ADN Moderno Desde el primer día nuestra pasión ha sido y sigue siendo la innovación en todas las áreas de la fabricación del mueble, ya...
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Comprehensive solutions for furnishing hotels or residential premises to the highest standards of quality and professionalism. We love Contract [EN] Customized Advise We advise our clients in all phases of the project, from conception to maintenance. For us the persona-lized treatment is fundamental, no two projects are the same. As we know the importance of your project, we accompany you in every step to make your ideas come true. Project Management Our aim is to give comprehensive furnishing solutions for any needs, which could arise from projects for new hotels and residential complexes...
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Technical Office Expert Team. [EN] [ES] Un Equipo Milagro Una buena idea es siempre el punto de partida ideal para tu proyecto de contract, pero para obtener resultados brillantes hace falta un desarrollo impeca-ble. Nuestro equipo de profesionales esta enfocado en la flexibilidad y la excelencia. La trayectoria y ex-periencia internacional de nuestro equipo altamente cualificado son esenciales para obtener soluciones optimas en cada fase del proyecto. Disenadores, arquitectos, técnicos, montadores y un management experimentado y atento al detalle siempre orien-tados a la optimizacion de...
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Des Solutions Complètes d'équipements hôteliers ou résidentiels selon les plus hauts standards de qualité et de professionnalisme. The Contract Specialist [EN] Our workforce Not only do we have a great tech-nical team (designers, interior designers, engineers and draftsmen), but we also have very qualified workers who pay special attention to detail and to completing pro-jects perfectly. Industrialization Our high level of industrialization allows us to give a quick response in manufacturing and installation. We are manufacturer so we manufacture and do not outsource. Our facilities are...
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[EN] Countries in which we have per-formed: Spain, France, Switzerland, Luxembourg, England, Ireland, Scot-land, Czech Republic, Denmark, Holland, Germany, Georgia, Ethiopia, Mo-rocco, Algeria, Angola, USA... We have a presence in more than 40 countries [ES] Pafses en los que hemos hecho alguna actuacion: Espana, Francia, Suiza, Lu-xemburgo, Inglaterra, Irlanda, Escocia, Repüblica Checa, Dinamarca, Holanda, Alemania, Georgia, Etiopia, Marruecos, Argelia, Angola, EEUU... Tenemos pre-sencia en mas de 40 pafses. [FR] Pays dans lesquels nous avons travaillé: Espagne, France, Suisse, Luxembourg,...
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115 Pages