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I N T R O d U c I N g PROpink why pink is green ™ ® By delivering solutions that conserve energy and protect the environment, Owens Corning is helping make the world a better place, one community at a time. We manufacture building materials that save energy, reduce reliance on fossil fuels and decrease greenhouse gas emissions around the world. L7 7 inTroducing propink l77 loosefill insulaTion ® PROPINK® L77 Loosefill Insulation carries the GREENGUARD® Certification, an industry independent, third-party testing program for low emitting products and materials. In fact, Owens Corning was the first insulation manufacturer to qualify for the stringent GREENGUARD® Product Emission Standard for Children and Schools. Leave it to Owens Corning, the pioneer of fiberglass, to create a new fiber, loosefill product and manufacturing process that is so efficient and versatile, it is revolutionizing the industry. No other loosefill insulation measures up to its coverage, performance and energy-efficiency. PROPINK® L77 LooseFill Insulation leads the industry in thermal performance and yield. high performance fiberizing Technology Owens Corning developed a new fiber which when blown creates a effectively distributed network of thermal reservoirs to resist heat transfer. This High Performance Fiberizing Technology produces a fiber construction that achieves a higher thermal performance in blown applications. To produce PROPINK® L77 LooseFill Insulation, Owens Corning developed a proprietary manufacturing process specifically for loosefill products. This new process resulted in a yield improvement of 18% in terms of product performance. PROPINK® L77 LooseFill Insulation has been designed for use in walls, attics, cathedral ceilings and floors. OLdER FIBERS A new High Performance Fiberizing Technology boasts effectively distributed thermal reservoirs (see above) to achieve and maintain industry-standard thermal requirements with less glass material (see below). 49% 49% 16 propink l77 cellulose propink l77 INCHes OF INsuLatION tO aCHIeVe R-30 12 12.40" 11 10 10.88" 10.38" 10.25" 2.5 pct 9 propink l77 propink red bag 3.7 pct 2.5 pct 3.7pct source: comparative study on air infiltration by nahb research center, 10/09 11.75" 11.5" JeTsTream 73.31 insul-safe sp ATTIcS WALLS climaTe pro aTTic guard air flow reducTion (%) R-vALUE BAgS PER 1000 Sq. FT. mAX NET cOvERAgE mIN WT/Sq. FT. mINImUm ThIcKNESS (IN) mINImUm SETTLEd ThIcKNESS (IN) R-13 R-19 R-22 R-26 R-30 R-38 R-44 R-49 R-60 5.5 8.1 9.4 11.2 13.0 16.8 20.1 22.6 28.5 182.9 124.2 106.3 89.6 77.0 59.5 49.8 44.2 35.1 0.180 0.266 0.311 0.368 0.428 0.555 0.662 0.747 0.940 4.75 6.75 7.75 9.00 10.25 12.75 14.75 16.25 19.50 4.75 6.75 7.75 9.00 10.25 12.75 14.75 16.25 19.50 mINImUm ThIcKNESS INSTALLEd dENSITy LBS. PER cU. FT. mAXImUm cOvERAgE PER BAg BAgS PER 1000 Sq. FT. mINImUm WEIghT LBS. PER Sq. FT. R-vALUE R-31 2x8 1.4 39.0 25.6 0.846 2x10 1.4 30.6 32.7 1.079 R-48 2x12 1.5 23.5 42.6 1.406 R-vALUE cellulose insTalled r-Value (2X4 wall caViTy) PROPINK® L77 LooseFill Insulation exhibits unsurpassed versatility—for installation, flexibility, performance, and productivity. R-vALUE mINImUm ThIcKNESS INSTALLEd dENSITy LBS. PER cU. FT. mAXImUm cOvERAgE PER BAg BAgS PER 1000 Sq. FT. mINImUm WEIghT LBS. PER Sq. FT. R-13 3.5 (2x4) 1.3 87.0 11.5 0.379 R-15 3.5 (2x4) 1.5 75.4 13.3 0.438 R-21 5.5 (2x6) 1.3 55.4 18.1 0.596 R-24 5.5 (2x6) 1.8 40.0 25.0 0.825 This product shows virtually no settling. This information applies to new construction and retro applications. Unisol Volu-Matic III machine was used to determine the coverage information above. The machine was set up in 3rd gear, with a 75% open gate and a 3” hose, blowing the wool out in a 10 ft. arc. cAThEdRAL cEILINgS mINImUm ThIcKNESS INSTALLEd dENSITy LBS. PER cU. FT. mAXImUm cOvERAgE PER BAg BAgS PER 1000 Sq. FT. mINImUm WEIghT LBS. PER Sq. FT. R-28 2x8 1.3 42.0 23.8 0.785 R-36 2x10 1.3 32.9 30.4 1.002 R-44 2x12 1.3 27.1 36.9 1.219 OWENS CORNING INSULATING SYSTEMS, LLC ONE OWENS CORNING PARKWAY TOLEDO, OHIO, USA 43659 1-800-GET-PINK® www.owenscorning.com PROPINK® L77 LOOseFILL INsuLatION blows faster, is more energy-efficient, covers more square footage per bag, and can be used for multiple applications. highest COverage iN the iNdustry (information applies to new construction and retrofit applications.) (nominal bag weighT 33 lbs) FLOORS 12.6 18% yIELd ImPROvEmENT propink® l77 insulaTion applicaTion charTs R-39 NEW hIgh PERFORmANcE FIBERIZINg TEchNOLOgy • Easily installed in walls and improved nesting for compaction • Can now be “dense packed” into walls at an installed density of up to 2.50 pounds per cubic foot* • Achieves an airflow reduction equal to cellulose, while providing R-Value greater than cellulose** mULTI-USE APPLIcATION perfeCt fOr WaLLs, attiCs, CathedraL CeiLiNgs aNd fLOOrs Owens Corning glass fiber and foam products made in North America are certified for their recycled content by Scientific Certification Systems (SCS). Our glass fiber products use an average of 50% recycled glass content, and our rigid foam insulation uses an average of 20% recycled content, with all foam scrap recycled back into the process instead of going to landfills VersaTile mulTi-use applicaTion PROPINK® L77 LooseFill Insulation also offers exceptional performance for air-infiltration control and thermal protection. LOOseFILL INsuLatION MBDC Cradle-to-Cradle CertifiedCM PROPINK® L77 Loosefill Insulation at the Silver level. This certification means a product meets criteria in a number of areas which include: safe and healthy materials; design for reutilization (e.g. recycling); energy efficiency; efficient water consumption and the deployment of socially responsible strategies.. Owens Corning is the first insulation and masonry veneer manufacturer to receive NAHB Research Center GREEN certification which helps builders and designers select products that meet specific green practices and can earn points towards the National Green Building Standard. proprieTary manufacTuring process air infilTraTion in walls Owens Corning is an ENERGY STAR Partner. ENERGY STAR is a joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy helping us all save money and protect the environment through energy efficient products and practices. Pub. No. 44426-G. Printed in U.S.A. March 2010. THE PINK PANTHER & © 1964–2010 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved. The color PINK is a registered trademark of Owens Corning. ©2010 Owens Corning. Energy Star and the Energy Star logo are registered trademarks of the Environmental Protection Agency. The GREENGUARD INDOOR AIR QUALITY CERTIFIED Mark is a registered certification mark used under license through GREENGUARD Environmental Institute. Patents Pending PROPINK L77 LOOSEFILL INSULATION insulaTion ThaT works as hard as you do ThE hIghEST cOvERAgE IN ThE INdUSTRy ThROUgh yIELd ImPROvEmENT
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