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RODA SRL via Tinella 2 21026 Gavirate (VA) Italy T. +39 0332 74 86 contact@rodaonline.com rodaonline.com Art direction Rodolfo Dordoni with Gordon Guillaumier Maria Gabriella Zecca Photos Andrea Ferrari Styling and fabric selection Maria Gabriella Zecca Graphic design Think Work Observe Post production Erica Fadini Copywriting Elisa Testori Translation Wendy Wheatley Printed in Italy Grafiche Antiga 11.2021 Acknowledgments Alessi Bellora Bitossi Home Bosa Cecchi e Cecchi Ceramiche I.M.A. Covo Essent’ial Fiskars Group Flos Ilaria Innocenti Imperfettolab Inmagine Italtessil KnIndustrie Martina...
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Where people strive to feel good, commune with their loved ones, enjoy the pleasures of life in harmony with nature, in the places they inhabit, and in outdoor surroundings that are beautiful, comfortable and durable. Persone che possano sentirsi bene e a proprio agio con i loro affetti, godendosi i piaceri della vita in armonia con la natura, nei luoghi dell’abitare dove gli ambienti esterni siano belli, confortevoli e duraturi.
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Essere protagonisti nella natura per sentire gioia e pienezza, nel vivere e nell’abitare. Con orizzonti tra cielo e terra e paesaggi domestici che sono luoghi di bellezza, curati e intimi. Le collezioni RODA creano spazi che invitano e accolgono in una dimensione di felicità consapevole, nel pieno benessere dei sensi. Con la natura a fare da scena, ospitale e appagante. Outdoor Happiness A feeling of joy and fullness of heart is part of the experience of nature, of outdoor living. The horizon formed by sky and earth is embellished by an intimate domestic landscape where welltended beauty is...
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Contemplare l’orizzonte come panorama, nell’intimità e nel compiacimento. Considerare l’ambiente naturale come un dono da vivere con gratitudine. Contemplating the horizon as a panorama for intimacy and plenitude. Considering the natural environment as a gift to experience with gratitude. 010 Outdoor Happiness
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Condividere gesti spontanei, immersi nel bello. Cogliere la meraviglia del tempo, con la naturalezza generata dalla gioia. Here is furniture made of skill and care – authentic and fundamental elements fostered by experience and applied to manufacturing since day one. Research, good design, construction techniques and excellent materials are the RODA ingredients, the fruits of recognised, recognisable positive traits. It is certain that these cultural and entrepreneurial values are rooted in heart and ambition: wanting to do good and knowing how to do it well. Arredi che sono fatti di saperi...
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Product index Indice dei prodotti Lounge chairs Stools Sofas Daybeds
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Collections index Indice delle collezioni Arena Aspic Basket Bernardo Brick Button Dandy Eden Guest Harp Lawrence Laze Leaf Levante Mamba Mistral Nap Network Norma Orson Pier Piper Platter Plaza Plein Air Root Spinnaker Spool Stem Stork Surfer Teka Thea Atlas Bush On Caddy Cortica Double Knot Ombrina Pillow Tint Triptyque Wing Technical information Materials and fabrics 017
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Curved layouts welcome and envelope, as if suspended in mid-air. The Mamba collection is made up of hugely comfortable upholstered sofas with an original design. The modules have different shapes, linear or pentagonal, and can be fitted together to form classic arrangements or obtain unexpected lengths. The backrests lean slightly, opening up the angle they make with the seat. The structures stand on unobtrusive cylindrical feet. This upholstered line demonstrates experienced and excellent Italian manufacturing. Profili sinuosi che accolgono e avvolgono, come sospesi. Mamba è una collezione...
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MAMBA sofa composition Left page: 001 module right + 011 backrest, 002 module left + 010 backrest, 003 module + 010 backrest Right page: 002 module right + 011 and 010 backrest, 003 module + 2 × 010 backrest Fabrics: DOMINO M04 GRASS, ECO C06 GRASS. Cushions: PARK K05 GRASS, ECO C06 GRASS, ECO C03 SAND, ECO C05 MINT. ↗ PRODUCTS MATCH LAZE 002 lounge chair high backrest Finishes: structure SMOKE, cord TEAL; structure SMOKE, cord CLAY. Cushions: TWIST R03 TEAL, ECO C03 SAND. ASPIC 001 side table ASPIC 002 and 003 coffee table Finish: concrete GREY. ROOT 045 side table Finishes: structure...
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The structure of the Mamba is made of aluminium slats. The backrests hook on by means of a bayonet-joint. In the Mamba composition, all sides of both linear and pentagonal modules can be equipped with shorter backrests, while one side of the pentagon is made specifically for the longer backrest. MAMBA sofa composition Left page: 002 module left + 010 backrest, 003 module + 010 backrest. Fabric: ECO C06 GRASS. Right page: 001 module right + 011 backrest, 002 module left + 010 backrest Fabric: DOMINO M04 GRASS, ECO C06 GRASS. Cushions: PARK K05 GRASS, ECO C06 GRASS. La struttura di Mamba è in...
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MAMBA sofa composition 001 module right + 2 × 010 and 1 × 011 backrest; 001 module right + 011 backrest; 003 module + 010 backrest Fabric: DOMINO M04 GRASS. Cushions: PARK K05 GRASS, ECO C06 GRASS, ECO C05 MINT. ↗ PRODUCTS MATCH ASPIC 003 coffee table ASPIC 001 side table Finishes: concrete GREY. ↗ COMPLEMENTS TINT 002 rug Finish: BLUEEN.
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1–3 MAMBA sofa with DOMINO M04 GRASS fabric. Cushions: PARK K05 GRASS, ECO C05 MINT.
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MAMBA 3-seater sofa 004 module + 5 × 010 backrest Fabric: DOMINO M01 GREY. Cushions: ECO C01 GRAPHITE, ECO C03 SAND. ↗ PRODUCTS MATCH LAZE 001 lounge chair Finishes: structure SMOKE, cord CLAY. Cushion: TWIST R01 STONE. ↗ PRODUCTS MATCH ASPIC 001 side table ASPIC 002 coffee table Finish: concrete GREY. STORK 001 side table Finishes: structure TEAK, top HPL GREY. ↗ COMPLEMENTS DOUBLE 032 pouf Fabric: OXFORD G05 BLACK. ATLAS 002 rug Finish: LEAD.
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MAMBA 3-seater sofa Fabric: DOMINO M01 GREY. Cushions: ECO C03 SAND, ECO C01 GRAPHITE. ↗ PRODUCTS MATCH ATLAS 002 rug Finish: LEAD.
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MAMBA sofa composition 2 × 004 module + 7 × 010 backrest Fabric: WEAVE W22 IVORY. Cushions: WEAVE W23 SAND, DEW T36 MOLE, ECO C03 SAND, ECO C04 RUST. ↗ PRODUCTS MATCH LEVANTE 012 coffee table Finish: structure TEAK. ↗ PRODUCTS MATCH ORSON 002 director lounge chair Finishes: structure TEAK, batyline SAND. BERNARDO 353 side table Finishes: structure and top SMOKE, base SIMPLON WHITE stone. ↗ COMPLEMENTS TINT 001 and 002 rug Finish: GREIGE. BUSH ON 002 planter Finish: CORK.
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 19Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) RODA
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