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♦object a catalogue of uncommon objects made by uncommon people
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Contents About +object Glassware products Stingray Cells Geyser Goldfish Flow Liquid metal Manta Mirrors Mirror compositions Wall panels Glass coatings Objects Index Сoatings Index Liquid Metal object in Silver coating. Detail Furniture Mars table
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Who we are + Object – is a Company that works with glass, combining design, high tech and author’s approach. Each manufactured object is created due to the combination of three components: flame, gravity and time. That is why plane glass dissecting space is transformed into an object. The variety of colours, textures and stylistic solutions allows our products be used in various interior design solutions. We believe that aesthetic is the main function of the design: “Beauty is the function”. Items produced 4 by our company are not only practical, they can also organize space. Being close...
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Designers Designers of the Company, Ihor Fomichov and Serhii Fomichov together with Arkadiy Babichenko founded their own studio in 1991. Over 26 years of work they were accumulating a wealth of experience in design and development of new methods. Ail the ideas of the authors were embodied exclusively in their own workshops, which led to the development of a number of author’s technologies, which are used now in the +0 production of exclusive products +OBJECT. 6 Our workshop where everything started
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+OBJECT pays attention to every detaii being responsibie for their quaiity and keeps up the continued interest to new forms. Designers are using unique techniques, such as giass meiting with titanium coating and enhanced application of coiors and textures. In our manufacturing iaboratory we carry out con-stantiy creative search, deveiop a new modei range and innovations for future +OBJECT coiiections. +o 9 Flow giass object in Silver coating. Detail
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*object by Fomichov brothers
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Stingray Stingray glass object in Old Gold coating Ø 490 mm DE 019.1612100
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Stingray glass object in Blue Galaxy coating 0 490 mm available coatings 01 Silver, 02 Gold, 03 Indigo, 04 Brown, 08 Old Gold, 09 Mars, 11 Jamala, 10 Engraved relief on mars coating, 17 Moon Diamond, 21 Black, 23 Chameleon, 22 Old Silver, 31 Spectrum Red Gold, 32 Spectrum Ultramarine, 38 Silver Fog, 36 Green Stone, 37 Gold Fog, 25 Blue Galaxy, 26 Golden Galaxy, 41 Cobalt, 42 Gold Honey Stingray glass object in Silver coating 0 490 mm
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Stingray glass object in Chameleon coating Ø 490 mm DE 019.1232110
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Stingray glass object in Moon Diamond coating
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Cells Cells glass object in Silver coating Ø 495 mm H 70 mm DE 017.2201100 available coatings 01 Silver, 02 Gold, 03 Indigo, 07 Sahara, Anthracite, 08 Old Gold, 09 Mars, 12 Cuprum O, 21 Black, 23 Chameleon, 22 Old Silver, 27 Honey, 40 Anthracite, 41 Cobalt, 42 Gold Honey.
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Cells glass object in Chameleon coating 0 495 mm H 70 mm DE 017.2632110 Cells glass object in Honey coating 0 495 mm H 70 mm DE 017.2743011 Cells glass object in Silver coating 0 495 mm H 70 mm
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Geyser Geyzer glass object in Silver coating 0 410 mm H 110 mm DE 015.1201100 available coatings 01 Silver, 02 Gold, 03 Indigo, 06 Pearl, 07 Sahara, Anthracite, 08 Old Gold, 09 Mars, 12 Cuprum O, 16 Diamond water, 28 Ocean, 21 Black, 22 Old Silver, 40 Anthracite, 42 Gold Honey.
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Geyzer glass object in Sahara coating 0 410 mm H 110 mm
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Goldfish Fish glass object in Gold coating 640x590 mm DE 022.1602100 available coatings 01 Silver, 02 Gold, 03 Indigo, 04 Brown, 08 Old Gold, 21 Black, 22 Old Silver, 42 Gold Honey
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ow Flow glass object in Silver coating 1000x250x250 mm DE 020.1601300 available coatings 01 Silver, 02 Gold, 03 Indigo, 07 Sahara, Anthracite, 08 Old Gold, 09 Mars, 12 Cuprum O, 21 Black, 22 Old Silver 40 Anthracite
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Liquid metal Liquid metal glass object in Silver coating 680x370x160 mm DE 016.1601300 available coatings 01 Silver, 02 Gold, 03 Indigo, 07 Sahara, Anthracite, 08 Old Gold, 09 Mars, 12 Cuprum O, 21 Black, 22 Old Silver,
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Liquid metal glass object in Silver coating 680x370x160 mm DE 016.1601300
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Manta glass object in Aurora coating 700x700 mm DE 009.1238310 available coatings 01 Silver, 02 Gold, 03 Indigo, 04 Brown, 05 Purpur, 32 Spectrum Ultramarine, 31 Spectrum Red Gold, 08 Old Gold, 11 Jamala, 10 Engraved relief on mars coating, 18 Relief, 17 Moon Diamond, 21 Black, 23 Chameleon, 22 Old Silver, Silver fog, Green stone, Gold fog, 24 Aurora, 25 Blue Galaxy, 26 Golden Galaxy, 38 Silver Fog, 36 Green Stone, 37 Gold Fog, 41 Cobalt.
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Manta glass object in Brown coating 700x700 mm DE 009.1604100
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Mars Mars glass table with smoked wooden legs Mars coating made with originally developed technology 0 970 mm H 390 mm DE 021.2614107
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Mars glass table with smoked wooden legs Mars coating made with originally developed technology 970x970 mm H 390 mm DE 021.1614107 Mars table in Mars coating
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Mirrors are available in varions sizes, forms and frame coatings rde Circle mirror in Aqua coating 0990 on photograph Available in other size on request available coatings 01 Silver, 02 Gold, 03 Indigo, 04 Brown, 05 Purpur, 06 Pearl, 07 Sahara, 08 Old Gold, 09 Mars, 10 Engraved relief on mars coating, 11 Jamala, 12 Cuprum O, 13 Brown F1a.net, 14 Green Pla.net, 15 Black Flanet, 301Luna, 16 Diamond water, 17 Moon Diamond, 18 Relief, 19 Vento, 20 Aqua, 21 Black, 22 Old Silver, 23 Chameleon, 24 Aurora, 25 Blue Galaxy, 26 Golden Galaxy, 27 Honey, 28 Ocean, 29 Fiamma, 33 Flora, 34 Gray ice, 35...
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Ellipse mirror in Vento coating 1045x755 on photograph Available in other size on request DE 005.1220200 available coatings 01 Silver, 02 Gold, 03 Indigo, 04 Brown, 05 Purpur, 06 Pearl, 07 Sahara, 08 Old Gold, 09 Mars, 10 Engraved relief on mars coating, 11 Jamala, 12 Cuprum O, 13 Brown Planet, 14 Green Planet, 15 Black Planet, 16 Diamond water, 17 Moon Diamond, 18 Relief, 19 Vento, 20 Aqua, 21 Black, 22 Old Silver, 23 Chameleon, 24 Aurora, 25 Blue Galaxy, 26 Golden Galaxy, 27 Honey, 28 Ocean, 29 Fiamma, 30 Luna, 33 Flora, 34 Gray ice, 35 Blue Ice, 36 Green Stone, 37 Gold Fog, 38 Silver...
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 27Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) STS
Catalogue +Object. Mirrors
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+Object Glass Coatings
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+Object brochure
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