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A great liberating wind is blowing through architectural design with regard to volume as well as the building envelope which is frequently free of a structural function, and providing building materials, textures and colours a certain identity that was totally unimaginable just twenty years ago. In recent years, Terreal Façade has placed colour and aesthetic reflection at the heart of its strategy. We are surrounded by professionals with whom we work in partnership, demonstrated by our relationship with colour designer Christelle Le Dean who helped us lead a process of reflection on our...
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A nice skin of creamy white terra cotta for a very reliable contemporary covering choices were aimed at giving this high large scale building the perception of being slender. Emphasis was placed on the vertical geometry of the openings, terracotta panel orientation and detailing, as well as on the creation of subtractive building elements. Vertical reveal were preferred over horizontal joints for their contemporary aesthetic. Pierre Cornil, project manager : Very early in the design, the choice of terra cotta was decided upon. For the image this material reflects: strength and durability,...
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Harmonie contrastée de la terre ébène et de l’ocre sur les façades de la cité du cinéma de Luc Besson Le site industriel de production d’électricité de Saint-Denis dédié à l’alimentation de l’éclairage urbain et du Métro parisien a cessé définitivement son activité en 1981. Cette parcelle de 6,5 hectares fait le lien entre la Seine à l’ouest et le Carrefour Pleyel à l’est. Après s’être vu confier en 1993 par EDF un premier projet de réhabilitation du site qui ne sera pas réalisé, l’agence d’architecture Reichen et Robert & Associés a été chargée en 2004 de sa reconversion en Cité du Cinéma....
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Contrasting harmony of the ebony earth and the ochre façades of Luc Besson cinema city The architects, who are past masters in adaptive reuse programs, based their concept «on “On a relationship of continuity and harmony between the preserved architectural features and contemporary additions»”. For the latter, Terreal presented a broad range of colour for selection to accentuate these different building elements. An ebony hue was chosen to contrast strongly with the ochre of the restored structures. The nave consists of a steel frame that has kept traces of oxidation and patina, as well as...
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Softness and tonal clarity for a warm and welcoming space patient’s experience as they move from the exterior to the interior while complimenting the aesthetics of the building. The lighter shade of Champagne provides clarity and brightness to the building and create a welcoming space for patients, staff, and visitors. For this project, we tried to match the colour of terracotta to the hues of local stone, material that is more traditional in the region. This allowed us to create an integrated building while maintaining a contemporary and efficient façade. Brian Ahmes, architect at HKS :...
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Villa Jalan Kembang Lieu / Place : Singapour/ Singapore Architecte / Architect : Formwerkz Architects Produit / Product : Piterak® Slim Couleur / Colour : 07.Terre de Sienne / 07. Sienna Carapace protectrice Protective shell with the natural shades of SIENA earth Alan Tay, the project architect: We wanted a material of natural coating that offers good protection against the sun from the west, good sound insulation from traffic and low maintenance over time. Our choice therefore quickly became terracotta. After some deliberation we felt a natural shade of terracotta would be more authentic....
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Harmony between colD colours well Integrated in their environment As part of the realization of a second parking structure containing 1,300 spaces on the campus of Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis, Terreal’s Piterak®Slim terracotta cladding and Zonda®XL terracotta sunscreen baguettes were chosen by Ratio Architects. As a representation of the green campus initiative, Terreal developed two custom, through-body colours: one green and one blue. These two colour elements were used in harmony with two standard Terreal colours: 12 Light Grey and 13 Storm Grey. The on campus...
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Brise-soleil détournés pour une façade pixélisée haute en couleurs I n d i a n a U n iv e r s i t y Sp o r t s Di s t r i c t Pa r ki n g G a r a g e Lieu / Place : Indiana, USA Architecte / Architect : RATIO Architect Maître d’ouvrage / Owner : Purdue University Indianapolis Poseur / Installer : Wilhelm Construction; Indianapolis, Indiana Produit / Product Terreal : Piterak® Slim, Zonda® XL Couleur / Colour : Bleu et Vert sur mesure, 12. Gris Clair, 13. Gris Orage ©Terreal Custom Blue and custom Green, 12.Light Grey, 13.Storm Grey TERRE & CRéATION A deux pas de la gare, le nouvel hôtel...
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Sunscreen distorted by a pixelated façade rich in colours A few steps from the train station, the new Ibis Hotel in Nîmes distinguishes itself with its contemporary architecture. The corner of the two main façades on Place de l’ONU is dressed in a terracotta mesh that plays with the light and adds mystery and depth to the building. On a regular grid of vertical spines of reinforced steel, Autan® sunscreen baguettesare constructed in horizontal rows of four elements in one of three colours chosen by the architects from the wide range offered by Terreal. These terracotta features are...
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R é s i d e n c e P r i m av e r a P r i m av e r a h o u s i n g Lieu / Place : Nanterre, France Déclinaison de nuances naturelles Architecte / Architect : Architectes associés Maître d’ouvrage/ Owner : Bouygues immobilier Poseur / Installer : DSA Produit / Product : Plaquettes / Brick slips Couleur / Colour : Emaillé blanc et teintes masse Beige, Gris Perle et Brun / Glazed White, Through colour Sahara Beige, Pearl Grey and Brown réveillées d’éclats d’émail blanc A l’angle de deux rues tranquilles ce bâtiment épais est sculpté de pleins et de vides qui animent la façade. Cette animation...
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 11Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) TERREAL
Abergement Réglable
4 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
132 Pages
144 Pages
Catalogues archivés
TERRE & Creations #3
52 Pages
TERRE & Creations #6
25 Pages
TERRE & Creations #4
56 Pages
Inspiration Terracotta
87 Pages
Guide technique Façade Terreal
184 Pages
TERRE & Creations #5
44 Pages
TERRE & Creations #1
20 Pages